Fire Alarm Systems in Clarksburg, MD Logo
Call 443-713-1462

"Fire Alarm Systems" Services in Clarksburg, MD has been our specialty.

Clarksburg, MD "Fire Alarm Systems" Services Done Right!
Choose a local Clarksburg, MD company that handles "Fire Alarm Systems" Services
If you need "Fire Alarm Systems" Services help..Call 443-713-1462
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About Bill Gilde Electrical Services
Bill Gilde Electrical Services is a Christian owned, faith-based company that works to honor God in everything that we do. We believe that Jesus supplies the light, we install it. We have over 45 years of experience when it comes to your Fire Alarm Systems services in the Clarksburg, MD area. Our experience is extensive in electrical areas, and we cross many areas that others cannot touch. Providing you with Fire Alarm Systems services in the Clarksburg, MD area is our specialty. We humbly pride ourselves on putting your needs first on all of your Fire Alarm Systems needs in the Clarksburg, MD area. Give Bill Gilde Electrical Services a call at 443-713-1462. We look forward to hearing from you!
What Makes Us Unique?
Bill Gilde Electrical Services employs professionals that live by the same values that we do. We believe our lives are enriched by treating others the way that God would want. We are a company that you can trust to provide you the best Fire Alarm Systems services at reasonable prices in the Clarksburg, MD area. We are known for providing exceptional details on every Fire Alarm Systems project, and provide a safe environment as we work for you. For all of your Fire Alarm Systems needs in the Clarksburg, MD area, give Bill Gilde Electrical Services a call at 443-713-1462.
bottom of unique
- Attic Fan or Attic Ventilation
- Attic or Whole House Fan - Repair
- Bath Exhaust Fan - Install
- Bath Exhaust Fan - Repair
- Boiler or Radiator Heating System - Install or Replace
- Boiler or Radiator Heating System - Repair or Service
- Carbon Dioxide Detector - Install
- Ceiling Fan - Install
Welcome to Bill Gilde Electrical Services

An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is either classified as automatic, manually activated, or both. Automatic fire alarm systems can be used to notify people to evacuate in the event of a fire or other emergency, to summon emergency services, and to prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and smoke.

Some Recent Projects
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Contact Bill Gilde Electrical Services

Thank you for visiting our Fire Alarm Systems website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our Fire Alarm Systems products or services.





Bill Gilde Electrical Services
637 Gayle Dr. Linthicum Heights ,  MD   21090

We would love to solve your Fire Alarm Systems needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Clarksburg, MD could.